You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truth Of Google Stadia.

Stadia App Update:-

Google somehow good transition, There's some app updates coming out to stadia. Because they are prepping the beginnings of the wireless stadia controller. So that you can actually use the controller on Android without having to tether at USBC to C. A feature mind you that they said would be there on launch. But that's neither here nor there they're not lying about anything and then making us actually pay to play their beta. I'm not salty about it at all and then there's also some indication that they have Pro only games coming this was discovered in their apk. Which is indicating that, They're gonna start selling pro only games that you can buy. When you're playing stadia but then you can't play on the base version.

Source:- Forbes

Which is  again against the promises that they promised when they said they were gonna watch. There's some rumor and speculation going out there that these would be for free-to-play games. Such as destiny 2, Fortnite or any other free-to-play game that costs them server money but doesn't cost you anything. So they can make it pro only but there's not a ton of indication for that yet. So if it's paid games that you can only access. When you have Pro Google's continuing to lie if it's free to play games that you can only access when you have Pro so that. You're actually paying for the network infrastructure. You're using that's more acceptable but GeForce now allows you to play free-to-play games anyway. So I don't understand why you would get stadia for that. 

Stadia on sale:-

Speaking of stadia Google is saying that, They're dropping the price on their premiere edition to $99 which is the first-ever sale it's $30 off should you buy it probably not you're basically paying for the controller. The services in beta why would you buy something for $100. When you don't even get the full value out of it, What's promised there I don't know.
You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truth Of Google Stadia. You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truth Of Google Stadia. Reviewed by Suraj Panigrahy on March 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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